Congratulations to all the Highly Commended teacher aides in this year's Australian Teacher Aide of the Year Awards, for making an outstanding contribution to student learning and wellbeing at your school.
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Highly Commended
Adam Belin
University of Canberra High School, ACT
Nominated by: Carol Ellis & Jenelle Reynolds, Executive Teachers
Adam has been highly commended for his outstanding professionalism, and dedication to students and their achievements in learning. As a result, students have become more engaged at school, and demonstrated significant academic progress.

Highly Commended
Sharon Stevens
Caroline Chisholm School, ACT
Nominated by: Danielle van Kemenade, Learning Support Unit Teacher
Sharon has been highly commended for her contribution to improved student outcomes in literacy and numeracy, and for working collaboratively with teachers to advocate for the inclusion of students into mainstream classes.

Highly Commended
Katie Johnston
Yawarra Community School, NSW
Nominated by: Caja O'Brien, Classroom Teacher
Katie has been highly commended for her passion to create change for the students she supports, many of whom have complex disabilities such as Autism, physical disabilities and relational trauma.

Highly Commended
Michelle Hobden
Gunnedah High School, NSW
Nominated by: Beck Henderson, Head Teacher Wellbeing
Michelle has been highly commended for her commitment to seeing students grow and succeed. She supports the classroom teacher to develop differentiated, meaningful, and structured activities to develop students’ social and emotional needs.

Highly Commended
Tristan Roberts
James Busby High School, NSW
Nominated by: Rimonda Prasad, Head Teacher Special Education
Tristan has been highly commended for his positive impact on the learning and welfare of students with complex behaviour and sensory needs. His dedication over 17 years has ensured that students with disabilities experience inclusion and achieve learning goals.

Highly Commended
Leanne McLean
Jabiru Area School, NT
Nominated by: Nida Staines & Madison Gadd, Classroom Teachers
Leanne has been highly commended for her outstanding ability to support and nurture student wellbeing and student learning. Leanne supports students with high individual needs, and has been personally responsible for assisting students reach their learning goals.

Highly Commended
Amanda Ham-Zammit
Wooree State High School, QLD
Nominated by: Helen Tenison-Woods, Head of English Department
Amanda has been highly commended for her work in the English Faculty, where she has contributed to a rise in QCE attainment from 85% to 97%, over 6 years. She builds trust, and assists students understand and work through assessment tasks, to successful submission.

Highly Commended
Esmay Millers
Drayton State School, QLD
Nominated by: Stephanie Costello, Head of Student Support Services
Esmay has been highly commended for working collaboratively with the Speech Language Pathologist to lead the Speech and Language Support Program. As a result, many students have successfully progressed through their programs, and some have not required further intervention.

Highly Commended
John Hoisser
Bray Park State School, QLD
Nominated by: Leigh-Anne Moritz, Teacher Librarian
John has been highly commended for making mathematics exciting, by planning extended challenges that show the students how their knowledge can be used in wider contexts. He has worked with school leaders to proof diagnostic tools and assessments for all year levels.

Highly Commended
Leonie Langton
Gympie West State School, QLD
Nominated by: Lizette Phillips, Head of Curriculum
Leonie has been highly commended for setting up the Enviro Club to foster environmental sustainability, and for her passion for recycling and caring for our Earth. The learning that occurs is real life, purposeful and supports students to become active and aware global citizens.

Highly Commended
Michelle Darker
Ayr State School, QLD
Nominated by: Nikki Schell, Principal
Michelle has been highly commended for prioritising student wellbeing, and upholding high expectations for academics and behaviour for all students, including students with disability, and Indigenous students who speak English as a second language or dialect.

Highly Commended
Nicolette Cannard
Sandgate District State High School, QLD
Nominated by: Leonie Turnbull, Head of Special Education Services
Nicolette has been highly commended for overcoming her own disability of Stargarts to inspire the young people she works with in the Special Education Program. She works collaboratively across the school supporting teachers to engage students in learning.

Highly Commended
Rachel Sullivan
Coolnwynpin State School, QLD
Nominated by: Penelope Stewart, Head of Inclusion
Rachel has been highly commended for her outstanding collaboration with colleagues by planning and delivering professional development in the use of assistive technology. Rachel has also created a virtual library, where all staff can access adjusted curriculum materials.

Highly Commended
Robyn Ball
Pacific Paradise State School, QLD
Nominated by: Margie Burrell, Principal
Robyn has been highly commended for working collaboratively with the teacher to manage an inclusive learning environment. She engages high needs students to achieve, and creates a space for diverse learners to feel safe, valued and experience success.

Highly Commended
Sandra Hobbs
Inglewood State School, QLD
Nominated by: Shona Clark-Dickson, Prep Teacher & Primary PLC Leader
Sandra has been highly commended for making a positive impact on early childhood education for 29 years. She is known as the phonics queen and literacy support guru, and for throwing the learning rope out further than the children can reach so that they are always striving.

Highly Commended
Shannon Mattock
Southport State High School, QLD
Nominated by: Rachel Cureton, Head of Department - Professional Learning
Shannon has been highly commended for leading the management of online courses to support teaching staff deliver curriculum. She also has a pivotal role in the school’s academic mentoring program, instilling a growth mindset and productive learning behaviours in students.

Highly Commended
Trenae Jia
Helensvale State High School, QLD
Nominated by: Suzanne Bailey, Head of Department Teaching and Learning
Trenae has been highly commended for her work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. She has inspired and motivated students to attend school, resulting in increased achievement of grades, and a 100% turn-a-round in recorded behaviour incidences.

Highly Commended
Corinne Allen
Mole Creek Primary School, TAS
Nominated by: Nathan Rockcliff, Principal
Corinne has been highly commended for her participation in professional learning that has a direct impact on her ability to support students and teachers. Notably, her creation of social stories and task boards have assisted students with disability learn classroom routines.

Highly Commended
Elizabeth Eustace
Ulverstone Secondary College, TAS
Nominated by: Sally Haynes, Health and Physical Education Teacher
Elizabeth has been highly commended for capacity to create and deliver rewarding learning experiences. Liz is particularly effective engaging students in community activities and guiding them towards quality life-skills, establishing confidence and success for post-secondary school life.

Highly Commended
Anna Cardamone
Clayton South Primary School, VIC
Nominated by: Greg Clement, Principal
Anna has been highly commended for her initiative in creating ‘The Butterfly Room’, an intervention space for junior school students who are struggling with the curriculum, to grow their wings. As a result, Anna has contributed to the significant growth of junior students this year.

Highly Commended
Gretta O’Mahoney
Sunshine Christian School, VIC
Nominated by: Damian Pietsch, Principal
Gretta has been highly commended for her leadership skills. She provides support to the principal in matters relating to the wellbeing of support staff, and provides ongoing assistance to enhance their professional life, as she walks alongside them in their learning pathways.

Highly Commended
Jude Fry
Fitzroy North Primary School, VIC
Nominated by: Dianna Bazzano, Teacher
Jude has been highly commended for her collaboration with teachers, leadership and parents, to improve the learning outcomes for students. She recognises student voice by getting to know students on a personal level, and fosters engagement in learning by highlighting their interests and passions.

Highly Commended
Juliane Matthews
Wantirna South Primary School, VIC
Nominated by: Kerri Emonson, Principal
Juliane has been highly commended for her commitment to enabling all children to find their voice, and achieve success. She has contributed to initiatives such as the teaching of Key Sign and the Bridges Literacy program, resulting in 95% of students achieving positive results.

Highly Commended
Kelly Ayton
Mooroolbark College, VIC
Nominated by: Ann Stratford, Principal
Kelly has been highly commended for her leadership of students with disability. She has embraced technology to document the progress of funded students, and ensured that other teacher aides working with the students have relevant and timely information to support them.

Highly Commended
Kylie Carr
Rokewood Primary School, VIC
Nominated by: Melanie Hilliard, Classroom Teacher
Kylie has been highly commended for her commitment to continuous improvement, and building her knowledge and understanding of how to support student learning. She shares her professional learning with staff, and implements what she has learned into her daily interactions with students.

Highly Commended
Loraine Woolan
Rosedale Primary School, VIC
Nominated by: Fiona Knight, Principal
Loraine has been highly commended for her literacy support and intervention to Foundation students. As a result, 90% or more of students know all letter names and sounds, can blend letters effectively, and have a sight vocabulary of at least 20 common words by the end of their Foundation year.

Highly Commended
Natasha Cotter
Aitken Creek Primary School, VIC
Nominated by: Cassandra Keath, Classroom Teacher
Natasha has been highly commended for her outstanding ability to support students with literacy, numeracy and social interventions. Natasha works collaboratively with teachers to implement interventions, and as a result, students are more confident and engaged.

Highly Commended
Susan Hamilton
Oxley Christian College, VIC
Nominated by: Sharon Sandison, Head of Learning Enhancement
Susan has been highly commended for her outstanding support to students with disability and learning difficulties, for the past twenty-one years. With Susan’s support and encouragement, some students have gone on to achieve their VCE and successful further study and careers.

Highly Commended
Annette Bolton
St Helena’s Catholic Primary School, Ellenbrook WA
Nominated by: Kyrya Quayle, Students with Disabilities Coordinator
Annette has been highly commended for knowledge of disabilities and disorders, to accommodate the changing needs of the students. She is considered a leading expert by the school, and has learned to read and write in Braille, and learned Key Sign, Auslan, and Compic.

Highly Commended
Belinda Henderson
Mary’s Mount Primary School, WA
Nominated by: Loretta Hackner, Assistant Principal
Belinda has been highly commended for her passion and commitment to sustainability and environmental awareness. She set up the school’s recycling hub, initiated ‘Waste Free Wednesday’, and promoted parent engagement and support of specific programs including the school’s garden and market days.