Issue 23 September 2017
Welcome to the September edition of TA Talk.
We hope you are all enjoying a much-deserved break as you read this newsletter.
At ATA headquarters, we are powering on. Our focus is very much on the new eTAPS program that will be rolled out to ATA members in Term 4. eTAPS stands for Effective Teacher Aide Practices for Schools. It is a foundational program for schools who want to ensure they are supporting their teacher aides to provide the most effective teaching and learning support possible. Everybody wins when teacher aides are prepared for lessons - teachers, students, schools and, not least, teacher aides.
So, if there is no PD planned for teacher aides for the new school year, problem solved! Join your school now, and get your teacher aide team linked and orientated to the ATA member site in readiness for the pupil free days in 2018.
We have had many enquiries and suggestions regarding a national day to celebrate teacher aides in Australia. After much research to see what states and territories do currently, we have nominated the first Friday of September as Australian Teacher Aide Day. We welcome all suggestions as to how to recognise this very special day, nationally.
A very warm welcome to all of our new, and renewing, teacher aide, school and training organisation members. We look forward to meeting you online in Term 4, if not before.
Warm regards
Stella and Mandy
Did you know that members have access to a whole network of teacher aides throughout Australia via My Professional Learning Community (MyPLC), our closed Facebook group? If you are a member and you have not yet requested to join this group, go ahead and do this immediately. This community is your go-to 'brains trust'; a place where you can ask questions, seek support and share your own experience as a teacher aide. Our community is friendly and helpful and has a rich diversity of experience. We know you will love it!
COMMUNITY WEBINAR: Big Write and VCOP - A Fun Program To Improve Student Writing
Samantha Taylor, from Andrell Education, presents an action packed webinar on Big Write and VCOP, an oral based approach to writing that assists students to transfer their verbal skills to written skills. VCOP stands for vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation, and is based on the idea that, in order to improve writing, we must first take away pencil and paper. “If they can’t say it, they can’t write it” is Samantha's mantra. Watch a live example of how to encourage students to write, as Samantha engages her young children in some of the activities. You will be able to implement many of the practical and games-based strategies presented straight away.
MEMBER WEBINAR: eTAPS Module 4 Preview - How To Give Effective Feedback To Teachers
Our most recent member webinar is a preview of Module 4 from the Effective Teacher Aide Practices for Schools program, eTAPS. In this final preview, How to Give Effective Feedback to Teachers, Stella discusses the role of formative feedback after a support lesson, and the role of teacher and teacher aide collaboration in the learning and assessment process.
FEATURED RESOURCE: School Teacher Aide Workforce Survey
This survey provides a great starting point for schools to identify the potential of their education support workforce. It provides a snapshot of the collaborative practices that exist in teaching and learning teams, and addresses teacher aide professional development as an integral part of the school strategic plan.
MEMBER WEBINAR: A Snapshot Of Teacher Aide Practices In Australian Schools
Since June 2017, we have been polling members during our live webinars to learn how teacher aides:
- Plan for student learning
- Support student learning
- Give feedback to students, and
- Give feedback to teachers
The results provide an insight into the varying levels of support given to teacher aides and the students they work with. Join us to learn what our members have told us about teacher aide practices in schools, today.
COMMUNITY WEBINAR: Behind the Scenes - The ATA Member Experience
Join us for a 'behind the scenes' tour of Australian Teacher Aide. Take a look at our range of professional development resources and learn how members can access their own CPD (Continuing Professional Development) diary to keep track of all their PD. We will also show you how schools can use the diary to guide teacher aide performance and development requirements.
As part of our birthday celebrations, we have some exciting prizes to give away!
Make sure you attend this webinar to find out how you can win a free corporate membership for your school, and go in the draw for $500 worth of school supplies.
In the Learning Strategies Toolbox, you will find some great resources to help students activate their prior learning. We have recently added the Bloom's Taxonomy chart.
Have Your Say On A National Teacher Aide Day
38,650 views 1963 reactions, comments and shares
The votes are in and we have officially earmarked the first Friday in September each year to celebrate teacher aides across Australia. Thank you to everyone who provided us with feedback and suggestions. Now ... to plan for our 2018 celebrations!
Teachers and Teacher Aides, Working Collaboratively, Helping Students Succeed
A big welcome to our new schools and training organisations:
Northern Peninsular Area State College Clontarf Beach State School Prince of Peace Lutheran College Innisfail State College - Diverse Learning Centre Seven Hills State School Babinda State School Grow Training Group Good Shepherd Catholic College
And a very warm welcome back to renewing organisations:
Deception Bay State High School Kinross Wolaroi School Maleny State High School Victoria Park State School Mooloolaba State School Margaret Jurd College Beerburrum State School Oak Flats High School Toukley Public School
Churchill Education Career Keys
Thank you for choosing ATA for Teacher Aide PD!
Leaders in Professional Learning for Teacher Aides