The Science of Reading – How the team at Clayton South Primary School provide evidence based reading support

Greg Clement, Principal at Clayton South Primary School, shares a research-based approach to reading instruction and how                                                                         he coaches his education support team to use this approach to provide reading intervention. In this preview, Greg shares                                                                             whole school data which shows the efficacy of this approach.

                                                                   Watch Preview >>

Phonemic Awareness and Phonics - The Keys to Literacy Success

ATA guest presenter, Denyse Ritchie, co-author and developer of THRASS, talks about why phonemic awareness and phonics are key to literacy success and how to use THRASS as a remedial tool.                                                                                                                                                            Watch Preview >>

Phrases and Word Groups - Helping Students Write Better Sentences

In this tutorial we explore how students can use different types of phrases and word groups to write better sentences.

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Active Listening - Helping Students Become Better Listeners

In this tutorial, we explore practical strategies to help students improve their communication skills through active listening.

                                                                  Watch Preview >>

Vocabulary - Helping Students Build Their Vocabulary

In this tutorial we explore practical vocabulary strategies to help students explore unfamiliar words, and build their skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening.

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Sentence Structure - Helping Students Improve Their Writing Skills

In this tutorial we explore the grammatical features of sentences, and share practical strategies to help students improve their writing skills. 

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Homophones - Helping Students with Common Spelling Errors

In this tutorial on homophones, we explore practical strategies to help students with common spelling errors such as mixing up their and there.
                                                                  Watch Preview >>



Big Write and VCOP - A Fun Program to Improve Students' Writing

In this webinar, you will learn about Big Write and VCOP, an oral based approach to writing that assists students to transfer their verbal skills to written skills. 
                                                                  Watch Preview >>