A Whole School Approach to Supporting Students with PDA

Sarah Lovett, founder of Our PDA Kids, discusses ways schools and support staff can adjust and improve their practice to support PDA students by being proactive not reactive with their responses to the student. 

                                                                  Watch Preview >>

Understanding Pathological Demand Avoidance

Learn ways to help recognise PDA, the effects of different demands and what children with PDA are trying to achieve with equalising behaviour.

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Supporting Students with Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Learn how to set students with ODD up for success with classroom settings and preventative strategies.

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How Teachers and Teacher Aides Work Together to Support Students with Autism

Effective collaboration between teachers, teacher aides, and other professionals is crucial. Ros Sullivan and Laura Newman discuss a team approach used at The Sycamore School that involves communication and coordination among all stakeholders                                                                    to create a supportive learning environment for students with autism. 

                                                                  Watch Preview >>

Strategies to Support Students with English as an Additional Language or Dialect

Learn about the characteristics of EALD students and their levels of English proficiency.

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Supporting Students with AD/HD

Learn 7 things you can do to help kids with AD/HD.

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Modifying Assessments for Students with Disability and Additional Needs

Learn how to assist with modification of assessments for students with disability and additional needs

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Strategies to Support Students with Intellectual Disability

Learn about strategies all staff can use to help students with Intellectual disability to develop self-sufficiency.

                                                                   Watch Preview >>

Building School Capability to Support Students with Hearing Loss

Learn how to use this activity to reduce the impact of hearing loss in students. 

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Assistive Technology for Students with Disability

Learn how to use assistive technologies to effectively support learning for students with disabilities and additional needs.

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More Assistive Technology for Students with Disability

Learn how to use more assistive technologies to effectively support learning for students with disabilities and additional needs.

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Practical Strategies For Assisting Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Lydia Meem, Clinical Psychologist and Founder of Autism Understanding, shares practical strategies for overcoming common difficulties in the classroom. In this preview, Lydia discusses strategies to support students with Autism when their literal                                                                                interpretation of rules can be confusing for them. 

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Understanding Mental Health in Students with Autism

In this preview, Lydia gives some insights into the difficulties students with autism can face at school and how we can help. Gain valuable strategies to better support students in the classroom.

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Understanding Learning Difficulties

Learn about learning difficulties and learning disabilities, and the key characteristics of dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia.
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