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What participants took away from this webinar:
To "understand, know and do" when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children - such great practical ideas to be aware of and implement. Clea had great information and ideas to share. The videos were also very helpful. - Jenny, QLD
Oh gee, what a hard question. I have lots of things to read, watch, do for myself as an educator but I think one of the things I am going to focus on in my teaching of adult learners enrolled in School Based Ed Support courses is to really highlight First Nations innovation and cultural protocols and plan for some On Country learning in collaboration with our Elder in Residence on campus. I'm really looking forward to Clea's next session in August - what a brilliant speaker - Celia, NSW
How important country is to the students who are away from country. Listen to them and understand their feelings of connection to country. - Janet, QLD