View 3 short excerpts from our popular Essential Behaviour Support Skills For Schools series

Part 1  Prevention: Learn how to use the language of expectation to talk with students about learning and behaviour, and explore four practical skills that prevent behaviour issues arising.

To view the complete video and learn more strategies on this topic, Log in or Become a Member


What members have learned from this webinar

I am now going to write my instructions down first, before using them on the students, only give one instruction at a time and make sure it is a verb to help the student gain understanding of what is expected of them - Belinda QLD

Not to give too many instructions at once but rather give them one at a time and check each time that the instruction has been understood - Narelle NSW

This webinar made me realise how much the school I work at already works so hard to make the students feel as though they belong and are welcome, and also how many of these verbal and non-verbal prompts are used in the classrooms by the teachers I work with already - Kirsty QLD


Part 2  Encouragement: Learn why praise and encouragement are different, how to use the language of acknowledgement to recognise and encourage appropriate behaviour, and explore practical strategies to encourage self-efficacy in students.

To view the complete video and learn more strategies on this topic, Log in or Become a Member


What members have learned from this webinar

I recognise that my praise approach may have created a few 'too many' approval junkies in my time. A sensational webinar. Pip, Wellington Point State High School, QLD

How to use non-verbal encouragement and descriptive encouragement appropriately.  Encouragement influences how students attribute success and failure. Kerry, QLD

Using more non- verbal communication and building up my skills in self-efficacy.  Really thinking about what I am saying to my students rather than falling back onto praise words and phrases that I tend to overuse. Thankyou!! :) Tamsyn, Tasmania

Using the word ‘yet’ to promote students’ confidence. Heidi, NSW

Use encouragement and not praise Vicky, Trinity Lutheran College

Rewording encouragement so it’s student focused on their abilities rather than focused on my expected outcomes. Amanda, Mater Dei School, NSW


Part 3  On Task Behaviour: Learn how to use the language of correction to quickly get students back on task in the least intrusive way, and explore practical strategies to promote positive behaviour.

To view the complete video and learn more strategies on this topic, Log in or Become a Member


What members have learned from this webinar

The four redirection to learning strategies are brilliant. I will definitely be implementing these into my role working with students every day. Thankyou! Jennifer, NSW

I am excited to go back and implement all that I have learnt over the 3 sessions. Thank you. Gaye, QLD

Primary and secondary behaviour was very useful. This is my first webinar and I loved it. Thank you. Julie, VIC

I work with students who find it difficult to stay on task, just don't want to do their work, play around in class, giving them two choices is a very simple way to keep them from disrupting the class and staying on task. Charlene, QLD

The reminder to keep instructions simple and not engage in arguing right or wrong. Giving the option of choice to put ownership of behaviour onto the student. Karen, NSW

Strategies for redirection to learning are very useful and will be applied. Kerry, QLD