Welcome to the July edition of TA Talk.
We hope you have had a relaxing mid-year holiday break. Whilst there is always much on the go at ATA HQ, we certainly found our days a little quieter as you were recharging your energy levels in preparation for the rest of the year.
However, now that term 3 has resumed, our customer service team is extraordinarily busy onboarding new school members and support staff, meeting with up to 3 schools on any given day. It is pleasing to see the majority of schools taking the opportunity to attend an orientation to learn how to maximise their membership and engage their education support teams with our extensive range of evidence-based professional learning.
Over the past few weeks, we have enjoyed reading about the achievements of education support staff nominated for this year’s Australian Teacher Aide of the Year award, and our assessors are in the midst of determining the nominees who qualify in the highly commended and finalist categories. The finalists and highly commended nominees will be announced on Thursday 15th August, and our winners will be announced during another calendar highlight, Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation Week, 2nd – 6th September.
There is an enormous amount of work happening to ensure we are on track to publish the Australian Teaching Assistant Professional Standards (ATAPS) later this year.
Our team is collating the last of the feedback from our pilot schools and finetuning the language used in the standards document prior to our final meeting with the industry reference group in August, where we will seek ratification of the framework.
Additionally, we have spent many productive hours in consultative meetings with AITSL, unions, and public, independent and catholic education departments. These meetings continue to provide us with valuable feedback, and enable us to create wider awareness of the standards.
We hope you will enjoy reading our latest blog (link below) which includes some reflections and feedback from some of the ATAPS pilot schools that participated in our recent action research workshops.
Warm regards
Stella and Mandy