2.1 - Standards: November 2021
The purpose of Stage 2.1 was to determine the Standards for Professional Knowledge, Professional Practice, and Professional Engagement, for paraprofessional educators in schools.
IRG members used a webform survey to select their seven preferred Standards from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST), and The Assistant Teacher Professional Standards - NT. (ATPS)
There was also an opportunity to write alternate Standards for each domain, and as a result, a significant number of alternate Standards were suggested for each of the seven Standards.
2.1.1 - Standards: February 2022
Due to the number of alternate Standards, the IRG members were asked to respond to a webform survey to review the wording of the standards.
Members were also asked to indicate if the additional suggested Standards should be added to the original list of seven Standards, addressed in the Descriptors, or Neither.
Please download the Table of Draft ASPES Standards, which summarises the feedback from the webform consultations from November 2021 and February 2022.
IRG Industry Reference Group Meeting: Tuesday 22 March 2022
The purpose of this meeting was to review IRG feedback, from the webform consultations in November and February, with a view to finalising the Standards.
The IRG agreed on the following Standard:
- Professional Knowledge Standard 2: Know how to support teaching and learning.
The IRG did not have time to consider all the Standards, however there was much purposeful discussion on Standards 1, 2 and 3 which helped inform our work moving forward.
Key ideas:
• The Standards must be concise
• The Standards must be applicable to the diverse work roles of paraprofessional educators in a range of education settings
• The IRG must consider if wording such as: wellbeing (S1 & 2) collaborate, and planned (S3) be used in the Standards or addressed in the Descriptors
The suggestion was made to meet again, to discuss one Standard at a time.
IRG Industry Reference Group Meeting: Tuesday 30 March 2022
The purpose of this meeting was to decide on Standard 1, and progressively discuss each Standard, until a consensus was reached.
The IRG agreed on the following Standards:
- Professional Knowledge Standard 1: Know students and how they learn
- Professional Knowledge Standard 2: Know how to support teaching and learning
- Professional Practice Standard 4: Contribute to, and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
- Professional Engagement Standard 6: Engage in professional learning
The discussion of Professional Practice Standard 3, was based on the APST: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning.
Discussion once more centred around the words collaborate and support, and the following four versions were proposed:
a) Support the implementation of effective teaching and learning
b) Support effective teaching and learning
c) Collaborate with teachers to implement effective teaching and learning
d) Support and inform the implementation of effective teaching and learning
Consultation on the choice of words will be done via webform in late April early May.
Please download the updated Table of ASPES Draft Standards 30.03.22 which summarises the outcomes from the meeting.
2.1.2 – Standards 3, 5 & 7: May 2022
In May the IRG was invited to select the remaining Standards 3, 5 and 7. There were 14 responses submitted via the webform survey.
IRG Industry Reference Group Meeting: Wednesday 25 May 2022
The purpose of this meeting was to:
- present the outcome of the webform survey
- decide how to go about achieving Stage 2.3: Domain Descriptions
- and seek input on how to proceed to Stage 3: Writing of the Descriptors.
See Agenda
Summary of Key Points
The results of the webform survey was collated by ATA, and a majority vote was used to decide on the following Draft Standards:
- Professional Practice Standard 3: Collaborate with teachers to implement effective teaching and learning
- Professional Practice Standard 5: Contribute to assessment and provide feedback on student learning
- Professional Engagement Standard 7: Engage and communicate professionally with colleagues and the school community
It was noted that the Standards are in draft form and as we unpack them, it may reveal flaws in the wording which can be addressed at that time.
Refer to the Table of Draft ASPES Standards 25-05-22 to see the progression of the Standards and the final outcome.
It was agreed to complete Stage 2.2: Career Stages and Stage 2.3: Domains, before starting Stage 3: Descriptors.
Stage 2.2: Career stages:
Focus Group members have submitted their feedback on the professional capabilities within each career stage. This information will be collated, and presented at the next Focus Group meet in on 16 June.
Stage 2.3: Domain Descriptions:
Members agreed that ATA would draft a general description of the domains, and that IRG members would provide input via an online survey. Nigel Bowra offered to work with ATA on the initial draft.
Members will be advised a soon as the draft is available for feedback.
Stage 3: Writing of the Descriptors:
There was some excellent discussion on the framework for the descriptors and the following actions were proposed:
- The first step is to develop a set of focus areas for each Standard
- Focus areas should reflect the core skills that apply across the range of support areas.
- The career stages should represent as a continua that does not require every descriptor to be ticked. Various formats were discussed.
- The framework would indicate a transition towards/ or through a career stage.
- Descriptors within the career stages are not intended to be linked to pay scales
- The descriptors should be transferable