In 2.1 you were asked to select seven Standards from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, or the Assistant Teacher Professional Standards (NT) (ATPS), or suggest your own.

You were also asked to write any additional Standards you think should be included.

To ensure that the Standards accurately reflects the work of the paraprofessional, and distinguishes their role from that of teachers, we would like to seek your feedback on:

A) The Wording of the Standards

B) The Selection of Additional Standards

Please use this webform to provide your responses.

We will use your feedback to identify the Standards, and discuss the outcome at our next IRG meeting.

PART A: The Wording of the Standards
Please select the Standard within each domain that most closely reflects the Professional Knowledge, Practice and Engagement of paraprofessional educators.
PART B: Selection of Additional Standards
Please read the suggested thirteen Standards below, and indicate if they should be added to our original list of seven Standards, addressed in the Descriptors, or Neither.
If you select Standard or Descriptor, please indicate if the Standard or Descriptor belongs to the domain of Professional Knowledge, Professional Practice or Professional Engagement.
You have an option to give a reason.